Home » Murmansk branch of Russian geographical society
Murmansk branch of Russian geographical society

Murmansk branch of Russian geographical society was founded in 1947. The most active period was in the 70s of last century when Northern branch of USSR geographical society was established in Apatity under Kolsky branch of Academy of science in USSR. Murmansk department was part of this branch. Highly educated members of society could lead active research and education work. At the time the representatives of Murmansk department published a magazine “Nature and Economy of the North” (18 issues were published), created science TV program for schoolchildren “The North, obey us!”

After 1990s when the Northern branch of RGS (Russian Geographical Society) was closed, Murmansk department continued its work on their own. Despite financial troubles and serious problems (Murmansk department lost its building, a lot of active members of the Society left Far North), the Society survived the test of time.

A new chapter of the regional department began in 2010.  Members of the Society achieve their main goal, namely promote geographical knowledge, at the same time they take part in conferences, popular science books presentations, which have been written by members of the Society.  Significant attention is paid to work with students and the youth.


Vladimirskaya st. 17, Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Murmansk
+7 (8152) 23-07-62
department chairman
Moiseev Denis Vitalievich